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Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)
#Soups and stews
Perfect for all seasons

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)

Pappa al Pomodoro is a delicious Tomato Bread Soup made with easily accessible ingredients. It's tasty, light, easy to make, and vegan-friendly.

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)
This Tomato Bread Soup, or Pappa al Pomodoro, is a delightful Italian tomato soup that's perfect for all seasons. It originates from Tuscany, Italy, and is part of the so-called Cucina Povera, or The Kitchen of the Poor. However, this soup is anything but lacking in flavor. It actually offers a rich and delicious taste. The recipe uses simple, easily accessible ingredients that, with a few simple steps, become incredibly flavorful and work together beautifully. The soup is made with canned whole tomatoes; fresh tomatoes are not necessary. Essential ingredients such as onion, olive oil, tomato, and basil are crucial for achieving full flavors and a thick texture. This is a simple recipe that everyone, even beginner cooks, can easily make at home.

A gorgeous Tomato Bread Soup made with canned tomatoes

These are the top reasons why we think you should try this Tomato Bread Soup soon:

  • thick, rich, incredibly flavorful soup
  • perfect for all seasons
  • made quick and simple, perfect for beginners
  • dairy-free and vegan
  • serve as a warm appetizer or light lunch

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)

Essential ingredients

Even though this dish is part of Cucina Povera, it's definitely not poor in taste—it's the opposite. This is because we use high-quality ingredients easily accessible worldwide for this soup. You can find the whole recipe below.

Olive oil - high-quality olive oil elevates this dish and adds so much flavor.

Onion - choose white, yellow, or red onion.

Tomato—use canned whole tomatoes. You won't need fresh tomatoes in this recipe, which means they're always in season. However, choose high-quality canned tomatoes, as the flavor of the whole dish depends on them.

Bread - you can use any (stale) bread in this recipe. We choose a brand new Žito Krpan bread with 25% less salt than usual.

Basil - Fresh basil is an essential ingredient that makes the dish flavorful and fresh.

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)

Pappa al Pomodoro (Tomato Bread Soup)


It's best to serve this soup freshly prepared. It's quick, easy, and delicious.

However, if you have any leftovers, feel free to store them in a sealed, airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. Before serving, reheat in a pot and add water if necessary to achieve the right thick consistency.

How to make Pappa al Pomodoro at home (video)

Check this quick and easy video to learn how to make Pappa al Pomodoro at home.

Next, try these delicious soups


Lets get cooking!

  • serves
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  • preparation

    Peel and dice the onion. Add whole canned tomatoes to a large bowl and squeeze them with your clean hands for a smooth sauce. Cut the bread into thin slices and break it into larger pieces.

  • cook the tomato soup

    Place a large pan on medium-low heat. Add the olive oil and diced onion. Sauté for 4 - 6 minutes or until soft and translucent, stirring occasionally. Add the minced garlic, sauté for a minute, then add the prepared tomato sauce. Pour about 40ml or 3 tbsps of water into a can of tomatoes and pour into the pan to get most of the canned tomatoes. Stir in the fresh basil, season with salt and pepper, and cook for 6 - 8 minutes.

  • cook and serve

    Arrange the bread over the tomato soup and gently press it into it using a spoon. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. When the soup is cooked, break down the bread with the soup. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, and stir the soup with the bread using a whisk to create a thick tomato soup. Divide the dish between four plates, drizzle with some olive oil, and sprinkle with fresh basil. Serve.


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